Elite Foundation of Hope’s Support for Families in Sri Lanka

In the face of the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, Elite Staffing Solutions, a growing Australian labour hire company, found themselves doing better than expected. Rather than facing the much-hyped economic downturn, demand for their services surged, as did the number of people coming to them looking for work. As this happened, they felt a sense of responsibility to give back to the wider community. What started as informal assistance to a few individuals quickly evolved into a structured effort to support families in desperate need in Sri Lanka.


Initially, Elite’s involvement centred around providing aid to individuals within their international network. However, with a desire to make a more significant impact, they formalised their charitable endeavours by establishing the Elite Foundation of Hope in Sri Lanka. The foundation then embarked on its mission to provide tangible support to those struggling during uncertain times.


The foundation’s approach is both thoughtful and practical. Through word of mouth and personal connections, they identify families in need, ensuring thorough vetting and due diligence in the selection process. Their assistance reaches a wide spectrum, from middle-class families facing financial strain to the very poor families dealing with significant challenges.


Take, for example, the story of a retired gentleman caring for a disabled child. Despite possessing limited assets, his pension fell seriously short of meeting their basic needs. Living on a single meal a day, they were unable to afford essentials. The foundation stepped in, providing vital supplies such as rice, eggs, and chicken, along with financial support for utilities, offering a lifeline to this family.


Similarly, the foundation supports a Pastor and his two daughters who faced reduced funding during the pandemic. By adapting their aid to meet specific needs, they ensure that these families receive the assistance necessary to weather the ongoing storm.


In the instance of a mother struggling to support her three boys after her husband’s passing, the foundation also extends a helping hand. Beyond meeting immediate needs with essential supplies, they provide incentives for the boy’s academic achievement, recognizing the importance of education in breaking the cycle of poverty.


In recent weeks, we shared the good news around our office about the role we were about to play in educating a pair of twins. These girls are sadly orphaned and being looked after by their great grandmother who is doing her very best. She was just not in a situation to be able to send the girls to school, even in its most basic form. The Elite Foundation for Hope has stepped in because they strongly believe that education is a basic human right, and the only way to truly beat poverty. The girls started at the village school this week and are learning numeracy and language. Elite Foundation for Hope will help with their booklists and clothing on top of the regular monthly support of rations.


Elite Staffing Solutions are proud of the small part that Elite Foundation for Hope plays in changing lives one at a time. Our business success has become meaningful support for families in need and we are not just offering assistance but also fostering hope and resilience within communities. Through the smiles and gratitude of our recipients, we are reminded of the profound impact that small acts of kindness can have, even amidst the most challenging circumstances.


As we navigate the complexities of a sometimes-crazy world initiatives like the Elite Foundation of Hope will always have a part to play. They remind us that, regardless of our circumstances, there is always something we can do to make a difference. Together, we can continue to support these families and to demonstrate that there is hope for a brighter tomorrow.